A Terrible Blogger is Born!

June 5, 2009

Random subversive thoughts for the weekend

Filed under: Uncategorized — rmangum @ 11:28 pm

A person opens his umbrella when he goes out into the rain, because he does not want to get wet. A person pushes another in front of a subway train not because he “has” schizophrenia or because schizophrenia “makes” him do it; he does it because, like the man who opens an umbrella, he wants to improve his existence.
-Thomas Szasz

Children are made to see, through school experiences, that their classmates are so cruel and irresponsible, so inadequate to the task of self-discipline, and so ignorant that they need to be controlled and regulated for society’s good. Under such a logical regime, school terror can only be regarded as good advertising. It is sobering to think of mass schooling as a vast demonstration of human inadequacy, but that is at least one of its functions.
-John Taylor Gatto

. . . community militias are drawn from the community itself, so individual militia members have a greater personal attachment to the community, whereas cops are simply bureaucrats with a gun . . .

-Kieth Preston

It is well-known that the United States maintains the world’s largest prison population. More than one quarter of all the world’s prisoners reside in US prisons. A grossly disproportionate number of these are blacks or other minorities.
-Kieth Preston

[Since 1940] black illiteracy doubled, and white illiteracy quadrupled. . . We spend three to four times as much real money on schooling as we did 60 years ago, but 60 years ago virtually everyone, black or white, could read.
-John Taylor Gatto

Rapper Tupac Shakur was a voracious reader; one of his favorite writers was Russian anarchist Mikhail Bakunin.

Happy two-day respite from wage-slavery everybody!

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  1. […] Random Subversive Thoughts by Ray Mangum […]

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